Caring for your children’s teeth.

Childsmile is a national programme designed to improve the oral health of children in Scotland and reduce inequalities both in dental health and access to dental services.

Visit for more information on the programme.



Fluoride is a natural mineral that already exists in most foods and sources of water. Its incredible effects in fortifying teeth against decay have been well documented and supported by experts for over 50 years. Although your teeth will gain some fluoride simply from eating and drinking, it is important that this is supplemented with professional applications and other sources. Generally speaking, there are two types of fluoride application:


This is the kind of fluoride we typically get every day from our regular food and water intake. Systemic fluoride is especially useful in strengthening new teeth, and those teeth that are still developing under the gums. Because this is so important for children in particular, your dentist may prescribe a systemic fluoride supplement in the form of a drop, which is typically recommended for infants, or a gel, which is recommended for older children and teens. Children should not, however, ingest too much fluoride at a time, as it can cause a condition called fluorosis in developing teeth.


This type of fluoride is applied through the use of toothpastes, rinses, gels, and other such dental products. Topical fluoride strengthens the enamel of teeth that have already emerged, and greatly fortifies the tooth against the effects of decay. Most dentists recommend that children receive a professional application of topical fluoride at least twice a year.